The Loop Advocacy and Policy Change

Opportunities in Advocacy and Policy Change

Through our policy and advocacy initiatives, the Lung Health Foundation is dedicated to driving systemic change that results in healthier lungs across Canada. 

We aim to:

Help us raise awareness about the importance of lung health in Canada and become an advocate. Explore the opportunities below!

Get Involved!

Shaping LHF’s Advocacy Activities

Role Description

We are always looking for input from our person-centred community to help shape what we do in advocacy and policy change. This opportunity involves providing your thoughts and insights through participation in focus groups, via surveys, and more. You could also provide your input on current activities and work that LHF’s advocates for on provincial and national scales through our coalition work.


Your voice can help us determine where we focus our advocacy efforts. For example, you can help us identify what policy forums to host, help us plan our annual Lobby Day at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, and more!

Estimated Time Commitment

Focus Groups – 1 hour commitment, 30 minutes prep time, as opportunities arise

Surveys – 30-minute commitment, no prep time, as opportunities arise

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Shaping LHF’s Advocacy Efforts, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Advocating For Improved Lung Health to Policy-Makers

Role Description

If you are someone who is extremely passionate about lung health and want to start advocating directly to policy-makers, this opportunity may be for you! As a part of our public affairs portfolio, LHF aims to empower our community and elevate their voices as lung health advocates. Through this engagement opportunity, you may be able to connect with other people with lived experience, speak with decision-makers, or support LHF’s advocacy efforts through sharing your story.


Together, our voices will be stronger and louder, driving policy change at a broader level within lung health.

Estimated Time Commitment

Speak at an event – ~1-3 hour commitment, ~1 hour prep time, as opportunities arise

Share your story in a quote – ~1 hour commitment, ~30-minute prep time

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Advocating For Improved Health to Policy-Makers, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Promoting Awareness and Supporting LHF’s Advocacy

Role Description

Do you want to get involved with LHF’s advocacy, but aren’t sure where to start? This opportunity may be for you. We would love to keep you updated on our advocacy and policy change activities and invite you to participate when you feel most ready. Through this opportunity, we will share information on upcoming advocacy activities that you can choose to participate in from the comfort of your home. For example, you could sign a petition, write a letter or email to a policymaker, or attend one of our virtual events to learn more about policy change.


You can join the movement and help make a difference when it comes to policy change. Whether it’s penning a letter to your local MP or writing a submission to guide drug development and decision-making – join the fight for lung health for all Canadians.

Estimated Time Commitment

Flexible/ongoing – As opportunities arise

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Promoting Awareness and Supporting LHF’s Advocacy, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Informing the Future of Lung Health Treatments

Role Description

Do you have lived experience with medications or clinical trials, or are a caregiver to someone who does, and want to help improve the treatments of tomorrow? We continually seek input from our person-centred community to share with the Canadian Drug Agency (CDA) and the Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) to inform their recommendations to governments on which medications, procedures, and medical devices should be approved and covered by public health plans.


Your input will directly inform the Canadian Drug Agency as they deliberate on which treatments to recommend for reimbursement by government health insurance plans.

Estimated Time Commitment

Surveys – 30-minute commitment, as opportunities arise

Interview – 30-minute commitment, as opportunities arise

Engagement Resources

– Canadian Drug Agency Website:

– Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS) Website:

– WEBINAR: Drug Approval & Reimbursement Processes in Canada – YouTube

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Informing the Future of Lung Health Treatments, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to