The Loop Opportunities in Program Development

Opportunities in Program Development

Get Involved!

Designing and Developing LHF Programs and Supports

Role Description

LHF has a fantastic suite of programs and supports available for people living with and touched by lung conditions. As we continue to build out new and improved services, we recognize that essential partners in this process are people with lived experience. We invite you to help shape our programs and services by offering recommendations for program design, participating in focus groups and interviews, testing delivery platforms, and supporting the development of resources and educational content. Engagement may be through advisory committees, working groups, or independent opportunities.


Your insights, experiences, and contributions will be fundamental shaping LHF’s new programs and supports. For instance, you might provide input on new features on our Quash App, help to name a new service, or test out a new delivery platform for Fitness for Breath.

Estimated Time Commitment

Flexible/ongoing – 1-3 hour commitment, as opportunities arise

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Designing and Developing LHF Programs and Supports, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Providing Feedback on Current LHF Programs and Supports

Role Description

LHF offers a fantastic suite of programs and supports available for those living with and touched by lung conditions. However, we realize that there is always room for improvement, and value your input. If you have participated in our programs  and have ideas for enhancement, we are keen to hear your thoughts. This engagement opportunity may involve focus groups, surveys, and more!


Your feedback can help us fine tune and enhance our current roster of programs and supports, focusing on quality improvement, and positively impacting the experiences of new members of The Loop!

Estimated Time Commitment

Flexible/ongoing – 1-3 hour commitment, as opportunities arise

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Providing Feedback on Current LHF Programs and Supports, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Advising on LHF’s Lung Cancer Initiatives

Role Description

Within recent years, LHF has focused on lung cancer as a strategic priority. To guide the development of lung cancer programming, LHF formed the Lung Cancer Advisory Committee, which meets quarterly to provide feedback on upcoming lung cancer initiatives. If you are a survivor, a caregiver, or person living with lung cancer, this engagement opportunity may be for you.


As a member of the Lung Cancer Advisory Committee, you’ll help shape our focus in lung cancer and provide guidance on bringing our shared vision to life.

Estimated Time Commitment

Serving on the Advisory Committee ~2-4 hours per quarter

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Advising on LHF’s Lung Cancer Initiatives, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Advising on LHF’s Educational Events and Conferences

Role Description

LHF hosts educational events throughout the calendar year to provide evidence-based, up-to-date information on various lung health topics. To ensure our content is relevant and engaging, we’ve formed a Person-Centred Advisory Committee for Education. This committee meets quarterly and provides suggestions and feedback on educational events.


As a member of the Education Advisory Committee, you’ll guide the content of our educational events for people living with or touched by lung conditions. You can inform where we focus our efforts and provide guidance and feedback on how we bring our shared vision to life.

Estimated Time Commitment

Serving on the Advisory Committee ~2-4 hours per quarter

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Advising on LHF’s Educational Events and Conferences, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to

Co-Developing and Presenting at Community Events

Role Description

In the spirit of person-centredness, LHF is always looking to create the space and platform for our community to raise their voices. One of the ways we achieve this is through community presentations, and presentations at educational conferences. In the past, we have invited people with lived experience to co-present with us within these settings. If you are interested in co-presenting, this engagement opportunity may be for you!


This role empowers you to co-design presentations and speak at events about topics that are important to you, raising awareness and sharing valuable insights with others.

Estimated Time Commitment

Co-developing and co-presenting – 2-5 hour commitment, as opportunities arise

How To Indicate Interest:

If you are interested in Co-Developing and Presenting at Community Events, please fill out the registration form below. You will be contacted by an LHF staff member who will provide more details and review current or future opportunities for engagement. If you have any questions before signing up, please reach out to